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Getting Back on Track Post-Turkey Coma

We all feel it - that Post-Thanksgiving crash. Finding the motivation to get up and going can be hard. Here are a few tips that might help:

1. Clean Your Room. I know, I know. I sound like your mother. But eliminating clutter and getting organized is a sure fire way to boost positivity and productivity. A clean room triggers a clear, more relaxed mindset.

2. Eat Healthy. If you totally indulged on Thanksgiving, I'm here to tell you it's okay! (I did too). But that guilty feeling isn't going to go away if you continue to do so. Grab some greens and fix yourself a nice light meal tonight. Healthy foods are proven to improve brain function and keep you in a good state to produce great work.

3. Get Out of The House. Even if it's just for a stroll around the block. Being cooped up all day just isn't healthy, and it's certainly not productive!

4. Call an Old Friend. Strike up a conversation with someone you haven't spoken to in a while. Exchange Thanksgiving dinner stories for a good laugh. Laughter is proven to improve well-being and positive emotions.

5. Try Something New. 2017 is not that far off! Get ahead by committing to doing something you haven't tried before. Sign up for a cooking class. Take charge by enrolling in an empowering leadership program. Dale Carnegie Training has one coming up in LA - check it out here.

6. Make a List of Things You Like About Yourself. I agree, it sounds vain. But it doesn't have to be. We should be allowed to love ourselves shamelessly. Giving yourself a confidence boost could be just what you need to get back on track.

Wishing you a healthy, happy weekend!

Until next time,


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