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Stay Calm, and Turkey On: 4 Tips for Keeping Stress-Free during the Holidays

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. That means food, friends, and family. It can also mean overeating, an overwhelming amount of obligations, and overstepping boundaries between family members causing unwanted conflict. Here are a few tips to help keep your holiday low-stress and enjoyable.

1. Plan Ahead. It's important to stick to your calendar so you don't get swamped with plans. Spontaneous activities can be fun, but only commit if you're truly up for it. Otherwise, make a list of your prioritized obligations and go with that.

2. Get some exercise. Let's face it - we're all guilty of overeating every once in a while. Be sure to get 30 minutes of exercise in to maintain a healthy balance. If you're absolutely not up for it, a simple walk around the neighborhood would suffice.

3. Practice Communication. As much as we all love our family and friends, they can drive us crazy. Why not let this be an opportunity to work on your communication skills? Listen to what others have to say and sincerely talk in terms of their interests. For some additional tips on boosting communication from Dale Carnegie, click here.

4. Enjoy Yourself. Don't forget that the holidays only come once a year. Appreciate what you have and focus on building positivity in your life. Try to see the best in people and always remain thankful!

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